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Our Story

I was found as a baby on the side of the road in South Korea and later adopted by an American family in Seattle, Washington. Almost immediately after arriving, we left the big city and moved to the middle of nowhere, in the country. We started out digging holes with shovels for the bathroom and using leaves as toilet paper. I grew up living in a single wide mobile home without any running water, electricity, telephone, or a TV. There were mice in the walls and maggots on the floors.

The entire town was predominantly Caucasian, and racism and bullying were relentless. Kids at school called me all kinds of names and physically attacked me on the bus due to my different appearance. Parents instructed their children not to play with me because I was different. Constantly being told I was ugly and feeling like I didn’t belong made life difficult, especially as the only minority in town.

At the age of 12, I was told that if I wanted new school clothes, I needed to get a job. As I got older, the bullying extended beyond not only kids, but parents and school faculty. As a senior in high school, I was not allowed to walk my graduation as top 2 of the class and receive a scholarship, despite working hard to achieve that status. It was difficult to endure my entire childhood and high school years with everyone around me telling me that I’m ugly and not good enough simply because of my ethnicity.

Despite these hardships, I was determined to rise above the negativity and use my experiences to empower others to feel beautiful inside and out, regardless of their race or ethnicity. This determination led me to embark on a mission to provide science-driven products that would help people look younger and feel great about themselves. Collaborating with a board-certified dermatologist, who shares the same passion, we set out to create a line of products that not only can improve appearance but also inspire self-confidence and self-worth.

Drawing from my decade-long experience in the stem cell field, which began alongside a renowned cardiologist at Cedars Sinai, I am driven to revolutionize the skincare industry.  This inspiration fueled my commitment to dedicating my time, efforts, and resources to develop even more transformative products in the near future.

Helping others has become a part of who I am. It’s about being there for someone in need and making a positive impact in their life. And for that, I’m grateful. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of others, spreading the message that every person deserves to feel valued and cherished. Let us inspire others to embrace and love themselves, for true beauty lies within each and every one of us.

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